Friday, 7 September 2012

Tractor Ride - An Update

So, previous posts have explained I have two events up my sleeve...
  1. Follow my Granddads footsteps and drive a tractor from John O Grots to Lands End. 
  2. Following a silly conversation with my sister, doing a coast to coast on a mini tractor. (
Here is the update on how the planning is going for both of these...or not planning as the case maybe.

So, the real tractor ride. Well, I am trying to get a job abroad, it's been a plan of mine for years and it is close to make or break time on whether it is going to happen and if it does happen it will happen within the next 3 - 6 months. The tractor drive is going to take some planning, as I want to arrange a couple of events along the way and also requires a commitment on a date - at the moment I cannot give this. If it turns out that I do not move abroad, which is a possibility, I shall be putting a date in the diary and hope to do it in 2013. 

The mini tractor ride, well what can I say, I want to do it, SO MUCH! It would be hilarious, push a childs tractor along the coast to coast, think of the attention along the way and the money i Could raise whilst doing it! I would want people to chuck coppers into the tractor etc. Also the promise of £1,000 is 10% towards my ultimate goal, that is not something to be sniffed at. That is a significant amount and gets me a good step closer to achieving what I have set out to do. I can't turn that down... I have spoken to Andrea and she has committed to giving me the money if I do it. I figure I would need at least 10 days to do it, which means precious time off work and someone who is willing to walk slowly with me. The next step for this is to try out a mini tractor and see if my long legs will even it! I am still not sure of its feasibility, but I REALLY want to do it! 

Whilst these two events are being pondered, I am planning 2 others which I am also really excited about and can be done a bit more imminently. 

So, the return of the charity pub quiz is on its way, probably on the 10th November and I am part way through talks with the right people to put on a Retro Disco night with fab bands, DJS and more importantly ROLLER SKATES! Watch this space! 

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